ST. CHRISTOPHER Amazing Story || Patron Saint of Travelers and Transportation || Feast Day: July 25

#stchristopherstory #stchristopher #stchristopherprayer St Christopher is a popular Catholic saint about whom little is known with certainty. He is venerated as a martyr and most likely died in the year 251. Many Catholics carry St Christopher medals or keep them in their cars. This is because he is the patron saint of travelers. St Christopher was a martyr in the mid-3rd century, who was most likely killed under the Emperor Decius. Apart from this, little is known for certain about St Christopher, but there is legendary information about him that has been passed down over the years. These legendary accounts say that St Christopher was a very large man, about seven and a half feet tall. Christopher had a desire to serve the greatest king he could. So he offered his service to a king who was said to be the most powerful. While serving this king, Christopher saw him cross himself when hearing the devil mentioned. Christopher inferred that this king considered the devil to be