STUDY GROUP - The Evolutionary Races of Color

The Evolutionary Races of Color Continuing our study of the ancient history of our world, we pick up the story with the epic tale of the colored races — their origin, migrations, and wars for survival. We learn that “the evolution of six colored races provides certain very desirable variations in mortal types and affords an otherwise unattainable expression of diverse human potentials.” (51:4.4) This is the intended outcome on “normal” worlds, but things on Urantia, as we know, are sadly far from normal. The appearance of these races about 500,000 years ago was simultaneous with the arrival of our Planetary Prince, Caligastia, and the building of Dalamatia, the city that would become the world center for instruction in the arts of civilization. The plan of bringing representatives from all the races to Dalamatia for training had progressed well for 300,000 years when almost all of these gains were lost in the wake of Caligastia’s decision to join the Lucifer rebellion. Following the co