Your Dead Loved Ones Are Being Sold For Weapons Testing

Go to to get premium wireless from just $15 a month. Welcome to dark dives, a new series where we explore the murky and devious depths of humanity. This goes beyond corporate greed and get rich quick schemes, beyond shady products and questionable CEOs. Here, we take a look at the very worst of humanity, to see what evil people are truly capable of. When you hear the words ‘donating your body to science’, maybe you picture a bunch of people in lab coats around a cadaver, studying a brain and how the human body works. But the reality may be far more gruesome, thanks to unregulated members of the body trade. This industry can operate in the dark, and you may not even be aware it existed. Connect with me: Sources: Writers/Researchers/Helpers: Ali Z-B This episode was edited by: Catechism: & Kelpie &