Demonic Delusions of Hinduism & Other Sects - St. Paisios the Athonite

With pain of heart, we present the teachings of St. Paisios to correct the blasphemies of Archbishop Elpidophorus and guard the faithful against his lies, whose speech was presented by Bishop Athenagoras at the opening of a Hindu temple in New Jersey on October 4, 2023. Archbishop Elpidophoros writes: “This Hindu temple represents a Sacred Space…May the opening of this beautiful shrine be a beacon of joy, understanding and harmony within the Hindu community and beyond…In the spirit of love and fellowship, I offer my congratulations and blessings for the success and flourishing of this sacred endeavor.” St. Paisios’ words to a Greek Orthodox seminary graduate would apply today: “You are harming yourself and others when you relate this refined Hindu nonsense and at the same time present yourself as a graduate of Chalki. Be careful, you will become possessed by the devil.“ Full Video of the Interfaith Harmony event at the Hindu temple. Go to 1:20:10 for Bishop’s speech: Orthodox articles on the event here: 1) 2) Details of the temple and its shrines: 1) 2) 0:00 Beginning 0:23 On the Asceticism of Hinduism 3:12 Hinduism Has Done A Lot of Harm 7:52 The Seduction of People (Hinduism & Other Sects) 11:48 Baptism is not magic, not given to cure psychological problems 14:19 Return to Orthodoxy 16:51 Two accounts of St. Paisios helping Hindus come to Christ Elder Paisios on Yoga and Hinduism: -BUY “Spiritual Counsels, Vol. III: Spiritual Struggle” by St. Paisios: -BUY “Saint Paisios of Mount Athos“: -BUY “The Gurus, the Young Man, and Elder Paisios“ by Dionysios Farasiotis -FIND an Orthodox parish and monastery near you: ______ St. Paisios writes: They practice and practice but what do they achieve in the end? Orthodox temperance and abstemiousness — ascetic discipline in general — always aims for a higher spiritual purpose, the sanctification of the soul. The Hindu’s satanic and worldly asceticism results in an agile body, flexing arms and legs like a paper puppet so they can be admired by fools and mocked by demons. Some of our people go to the Hindus and are taught to say in the Hindu language certain incantations about Christ, Panaghia and the Saints. Some may know that these things are blasphemous, others may not, in the end they become possessed by demons. Then they start uttering incoherent words. They eventually become delirious, and onlookers consider them to be in a spiritual state, but this is actually a demonic state. What can you say? The confusion is immense! There was a sign outside a Roman Catholic Church in Paris that read: “Teaching of the Jesus Prayer with the yoga method.“ What have they come to! No wonder psychological problems abound, and people lose their mind. People in today's strange world find comfort in strange things, not in what is right and true. They know India, on the other side of the world, and they travel there to experience its magic. But they ignore the Holy Mountain, which is in their own country, right next to them, with the true mystical life in Christ! A student told me that he went to India and stayed there for three and a half years. He was seeking the truth about the religions. Finally an Indian told him, “Why did you come here? What you seek is to be found in Orthodoxy. That is where the light is. Go to the Holy Mountain to find what you seek.“ That is how he returned to Greece and came to the Holy Mountain. Impressed by the Elder's spiritual gifts, the man asked him about meditation and other spiritual techniques. “Look, my child,“ the Elder kindly interrupted him, “techniques do not matter at all. You are trying, but where you are digging, there is no gold; there is just the devil. The gold is Christ.“ ______ Orthodox Wisdom is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ!