Piano Blues Clint Eastwood documentary. Ray Charles, Dave Brubeck, Dr John, Prof. Longhair

Some parts of this Documentary have been edited because of copyright. However it's still great viewing for all blues piano fans. For great blues music & piano sheet music from this film, CLICK: Sheet music from Pinetop Perkins, Otis Spann, Vince Weber, Chase Garrett, Norah Jones and more. Blues Piano Sheets, for the best blues piano sheet music on the planet. Together we're “Keeping The Blues Alive.“ Clint Eastwood; “I've always felt that jazz and blues were true American art forms. Maybe the only really original art forms that we have.“ Some of the artists that appear in this Documentary 07:29 Martha Davis 07:50 Dorothy Donegan 09:29 Duke Ellington 17:33 Dave Brubeck 25:27 Dr John 31:33 Marcia Ball 41:13 Muddy Waters 41:33 Otis Spann 44:46 Henry Gray 46:12 Jay McShann 50:26 Pete Jolly