Another great scott steiner subtitles

The famous “I'm hungry“ From Against All Odds 2007. Watch with delight/horror as Steiner spews out one meme after another! Marvel at Tomko being a bitch! Look on in awe at Leticias perfect microphone handling skills! Unknown, slightly ego-masturbating trivia. *This video has been featured on PWinsider, 24wrestling, 411mania, wrestechan, wooo, your mothers bosom and numerous other dirtsheets, communities and maternal body parts. .*Jeremy Borash likes this. I know this because its in the favourites tab on his Youtube channel. This probably means (knowing JB) that he's shown this to some of the TNA talent, which means that there's a slight chance that Steiner himself has seen this video. If you have seen this, Scotty, please have sympy for me and kindly refrain from A, calling me fat and B, Steinerlining my block off. *Ken Anderson (Anderson) has also seen this video. A fan sent him the video and he retweeted it. */wooo/ is still posting and quoting this video nearly seven years after it was first posted there. End of unknown, slightly useless trivia. Yet ANOTHER great Scott Steiner subtitles. My twitter.