Top 50 Favorite Junho (from 2PM) Solo Songs | August 2018

I finally got around to making an update! Junho has released quite a few solo albums since my first video (all which have been QUALITY). So this video will have quite a few song selection changes and perhaps some noticeable order changes as well. I hope you guys enjoy!! Also, as always, please note that this list makes up my current favorite songs. If I made this list a few weeks from now I feel like this video would look significantly different. So please don't focus too much on the particular order I decided to go with. I also excluded quite a few of his solo releases just to keep the list to 50. But this does not mean I dislike the songs I omitted. Quite the contrary, I really love all of Junho's songs. I just decided to go with this particular 50 at this time. Most of the clips were from DVDs that I physically own. But a couple fancams were included too which I'll link below (this channel has some of the best Junho fancams along with some other 2PM related ones - you should check it out if you haven't already!) Canvas: Issyoni Sugoshita Jikan: Also spotted some small errors... But Like a Star was on One, and the Korean version of Hey You was on the Korean release of Feel! I'm also currently working on Jun.K's updated video ^^ If you've yet to listened to Junho's solo work you can check out basically his entire discography on Spotify! --------------------------------------------- Twitter: @RestIsHistory87 Instagram: @therestishistory87 Sale/Trade List (updated regularly):