[ Episode 1 ] : Iraq War (activate the subtitles in your language)

#3BigGlobalScamsOfThe21stCentury The 1st episode of the series (activate the subtitles in your language as explained in video N°5) containing these chapters : 1-The facts. 2-Countries and citizens refuse the scam. 3-Consequences of the scam. 4-Role of the media. 5-A summary of the scam. 6-Those responsible of the scam. -If some words or sentences seem to you to be incorrectly translated by YouTube, type them in Google Translate to have a correct translation : Follow us on : -Facebook -Twitter : References : -NASACrewEarthObs : -Independant WHO : -Le Figaro : : -The New York Times : -L'Obs : -Common Dreams : -Wbur : -Leading to War : -The White House : -The Globalist : -Moyers on Demcracy : -Le Monde Diplomatique : -Le Monde : -L’Opinion : -Arte : -France Inter : -L’Express : -US Senate Committee on Intelligence : -Middle East Eye : -The Independant : -Courrier International : -Sénat : -Wikipedia : -John Pilger : -Los Angeles Times : -Le Souffle C’est Ma Vie : -Mondialisation : -Global Research : -Initiative Citoyenne : -The Guardian : -The Washington Spectator : -Übersetzen als interlinguales und interkulturelles Sprachhandeln: Theorien - Methodologie – Ausbildung :