Aleksandr Bulanov - poems in English and Russian (London)

*** Eternal stone, eternal seas - My play was throwing it on these. When rubble fall - anothers crash, And what have fallen is the mash. Over the rocks and in the east The sea to be, but not exist. There is an only blue abyss... Eternal stone, eternal seas. —————————————————— Вечные камни и вечное море: Я игрался, кидая одно на другое. Опускаясь на дно, и толкаясь с другими, Эти камни лишь камнями были. Отмеряя прибой над камнями с востока, Море било волнами ни раз и нисколько... Эта синяя вечность обступает кругом. Камни падают в море: “гом“ или “гом“. *** I don't like The small works theory, Cuz it's not what do you want a priory. You are a big man, you aren't small, Baby can't show a check for all. “Come back, my kid“, - your lord can said, But his awards will, maybe, sad. His asks will lose in judgement spase. Don't be a small, reject regre