I literally made the guitar speak in the language of bass. Dark lofi postmodern hip hop groove

Dark corners of sound imagination? Welcome to my world of musical nightmares. Grim experiments, where the guitar transforms into bass, and rhythms shatter into pieces, as if losing sanity, creating a dense sonic landscape. I literally made the guitar speak in the language of bass. Bringing something completely new into my creative impulse. Enjoy the unusual sound, if you're capable of vibing with it. Explore the broken rhythms, and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of experimental music. ° Only with 🎧 headphones full immersion is possible. ° Used here: Ibanez custom edition RG+ DiMarzio pickups (Neck: Air Norton \ Bridge: The Tone Zone ) ErnieBall 11-56 strings Neural DSP guitar tone York Audio Impulse Response (& Libra by STL tones) AI + Neural Note + Toontrack Bass for guitar sound transformation. And there are very, very many plugins. Reaper DAW Focusrite Scarlet 3 Gen 2i2 Audio Device ° ° / #neuraldsp #hiphopbeats #guitarriffs #bassriffs #lofi #hiphopdrums #lofibeats #hiphopgrooves #trueritual #modernguitarist #quadcortex #guitarmetal #line6 #line6helix #guitartone #bassguitar #guitarist #guitarporn #ギタリスト #ギター #groove #drumgrooves #octaver #wallofsound #matchlessdc30 #twonotes