Jerusalem: Altar of Sacrifice

Some people know me as “hope“, but some people know me as the voice that you hear when you tighten the noose on the rope. The battle for the control of Jerusalem is the epitome of everything ugly about the condition of humanity. Drenched in the blood-soaked garb of religious zeal, armies have come and gone across the world's landscape murdering and savagely pillaging for ultimate control of the “city of peace“. Welcome to the occult dystopia of battlefield earth. “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee.“ While the world's three main monotheistic religions all claim Jerusalem as their sacred and most holy capital, this one historic city is the focal point for more war, hate and conflict than any other on earth. Eleven times over the past 2 millennia this strangely significant location has changed hands via horrific bloodletting, as if Abraham's deferred call to sacrifice his own son on the nearby Temple Mount needs constant avenging. And whoever wins the struggle for Jerusalem seems to become the world's ruler du jour. Curious, indeed. Zionism -- The Ultimate Avenger After centuries of slaughter by hysterical, puppeteered armies, the short lull that followed was finally broken by an effort to “reclaim“ the promised land through a carefully organized political movement called Zionism. An integral part of the Illuminist agenda for world domination, Zionism alone, however, was not enough to make a move to re-occupy the supposed “promised land“. There needed to be a “catalyzing event“...much like the “new Pearl Harbor“ the neocons alluded to regarding 9/11 before it happened. After all, we need to galvanize public is everything wrapped up behind the scenes? Bring on World War 2 Carefully planned and financed on both sides by Zionist-backed banking entities, the pincers were firmly placed on the pre-conditioned scapegoats called “the Jews“. Their own? Yes, those they own. Deftly evil, I know. The Zionist Rothschild handlers and a continually aggravated Ashkenazi mindset amongst the Zionist leadership had done a bang up job of making Jews anathema to those around them. Now it was time, like Abraham of old, to sacrifice their own. Having helped bring the Nazis to power, the warlike Zionist AshkeNAZI Illuminati could now move toward their goal. Outrageous extermination. And then never let the world forget about it. After all, a good home base for world governance is worth the investment, is it not? Especially if it's someone else's life you're investing. “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee.“ Jerusalem -- Center Stage of our Programmed Reality As the sole producer of this channel, I place it into the public domain. Anyone may freely copy it in any part or in its entirely, without asking my permission, and without paying any dues. I do ask you to please link to this site if you do utilize the material.y.