Respirando - Yoham

(English translation bellow) Acompanhado da música inspirada de Yoham, Geoffrey Hoppe narra uma meditação suave que ajuda você a abrir a consciência plenamente através da respiração. A respiração profunda e consciente abençoa todo seu Ser, traz ao momento do Agora e proporciona tudo o que você precisa. Para mais informações e comprar o CD “Opening into Consciousness“ (Abrindo a Consciência), que inclui esta música, acesse: O agora é ** From the gentle opening notes to the final welcoming breath, Opening takes you on a journey into your Self. It is a guided invitation to breathe, to be fully present, to truly feel on all levels, and to expand into all that you are. Accompanied by the inspired music of Yoham, Geoffrey Hoppe narrates this soothing meditation to help you open into your full consciousness. Opening Into Consciousness is full of gentle reminders of how the conscious breath blesses your entire being, how being in the Now brings all that is needed, what it means to truly feel the many levels of your Self, and the profound effects of expanding your energy. This meditation is a beautiful way to begin your day, find balance in the midst of daily turmoil, or release yourself into rejuvenating sleep. For more information and to buy this CD, please, go to: