
The dripping rain through the broken cracks. The creak of the building perhaps about to collapse any moment. The crack of lighting and roil of thunder. The storm has hit the city with full force. Off in the distance is the familiar sound of birds, a sign that this storm must soon pass. But there is something else out there- something sinister sounding, and completely unknown. Perhaps the storm is not the most dangerous thing this ruined city has in store. The city had been demolished in one of the first waves, but buildings still stood. Rickety as they are, they were better protection from the rain than any other options around. High ground was supposedly safer, though from the sounds of the metal in this building perhaps braving the storm would have been a better alternative. At least the rain isn’t quite as heavy in here as outside- though the leaks are quite large. It’s a hell of a storm outside, and has been raging for hours now. Being up high above the cityscape, able to see everything, it is obvious just how demolished civilization has become. This storm may well take out what little there is left. At least human infrastructure has proven to be fairly sturdy. The bombs going off are the vivid memory everyone alive tries to forget and just can’t. It was chaos. Buildings collapsing, people screaming and running about, instant destruction for anything that was too close to a bomb that had fallen. In those few moments of horror one might say humanity was finally united. And then the majority of us were simply gone. Since the bombs wiped almost everyone and everything out, and the radiation left behind left the earth nothing more than a landfill, getting an idea of survivors was almost impossible. It had been radio silence since the bang of the bombs. After encountering a few different groups of people, suddenly it was obvious why the bombs had tried to do away with humanity. People were evil and cruel, and this new age they were living in did nothing but bring out the worst in them. In times like these, where there seems to be nothing but death and destruction everywhere, it is hard not to wonder what is evil, and what is not. There are things out there now, things that are indescribable. Things that make your skin crawl, experiences that haunt your nightmares and leave you snapping awake with a racing heart and sweaty brow. Images of creatures we never knew existed, of your loved ones’ skin peeling from the bone as they disintegrate before your eyes and your name the last thing on their lips, of bones and body parts at angles you didn’t know were possible. But still, the survivors left behind are bad enough to make you wonder if we weren’t the real monsters all along. There are birds cawing in the distance, so the storm must be about to end. There’s something else out there though. Every now and then it makes its sinister sound that is entirely foreign. One can’t help but have their hair stand on end at the sound. Since the radiation new creatures have been popping up. Mutants, perhaps. Either way, they are something mankind has never dealt with before, and they are more lethal and ravenous than anyone has ever seen. Anyone who has managed to see one up close and personal did not live through the encounter. Another loud disembodied gurgle sounds again, this time much, much closer than the last. Suddenly a little bit of rain does not seem so bad. The sounds are growing louder and more pronounced; they are definitely drawing closer in. Perhaps the storm is not the most dangerous thing this ruined city has endured. ***My Videos are free to use for any purpose. No need to ask for permission or give credit just create something awesome!!*** Want more bathroom reading material? Feel free to follow me on Wattpad @BadMoonRisingStories