Ария Джефты (Scenes of horror) в исполнении Джойс ДиДонато

In War and Peace: Harmony Through Music Барселона Гран театре дель Лисео. Режиссер: Ralf Pleger Дирижер : Maxim Emelyanychev / Максим Емельянычев Исполнители: Joyce DiDonato, mezzo-soprano; Anna Fusek, flute solo; Maxim Emelyanychev, harpsichord; Il Pomo d’Oro, orchestra; Manuel Palazzo, choreography, dancer Треклист: ■ WAR Handel: Scenes of horror (from Jephtha) Leo: Prendi quel ferro, o barbaro! (from Andromaca) Cavalieri: Rappresentazione di Anima e di Corpo: Sinfonia Purcell: Chacony in G minor Purcell: Thy hand, Belinda … When I am laid in earth (from Dido & Aeneas) Handel: Pensieri, voi mi tormentate! (from Agrippina) Gesualdo: Tristis est anima mea Handel: Lascia ch’io pianga (from Rinaldo) ■ PEACE Purcell: They tell us that your mighty powers, Z630 Handel: Susanna: Crystal streams in murmurs flowing Pärt: Da pacem Domine Handel: Augeletti che cantate (from Rinaldo) Handel: Da tempeste il legno infranto (from Giulio Cesare) Jommelli: Par che di Giubilo (from Attilio Regolo) Strauss, R: Morge