Vahid is a real rich man because he has a home in all hearts : Preparing mushrooms

In this video, we see that after returning from the restaurant, Vahid is preparing mushrooms for his delicious dishes. After that, a woman with a child is looking for a job to support herself and her child. He happens to come to the house of Vahid and Agha Khan Ali. Vahid has done the work himself in the restaurant today and is tired. Maybe if that woman had come earlier, Vahid would have needed her help in the restaurant. But Vahid does not like that this homeless woman with a small child is looking for work in the streets under the hot sun. In addition, half of the day has passed and he may not find anything to do. So Vahid goes to the garden with a little search in his mind. Yes, tidying up the garden is a good reason to give him money and make him happy. #Rural_Living #rural_live #RuralLiving #nomadiclife #Help_the_poor #children's_work #mother_of_the_family #village_woman #homeless_woman #abusive_woman #lonely_woman #independent_woman #widow #female_worke