GENERAL D’ARMEE 2 Bootcamp Part 2

In this video we continue with our GdA2 Bootcamp 🤔In the course of my gaming and producing the GdA2 Bootcamp I’ve been harassing DCRB with all manner of rules questions and clarifications. 🫣 🤓I’ll consolidate and share them in due course. I’ve also made a couple of really basic errors in playing that I can only put down to the fact I’ve been playing solo and therefore have not had the benefit of the ‘independent check’ to pick me up😔. For example, having multiple units within a single brigade gaining the ‘skirmisher tasking’ bonus when it only applies to ONE unit. 🤦‍♂️ As I’ve stated: “it’s incumbent on the player to read their rules thoroughly” 🤓😃 Anyway,.. once I’ve consolidated these Q and As into a single document I’ll share. Maybe it could be the basis of a FAQ going forward? 😆