This Is Why Kamikaze Drone Can Never Beat Gepard Anti Aircraft

As winter approaches, Ukraine faces a looming threat: a new wave of drone attacks targeting its energy infrastructure, with Iranian-made Shahed-136 drones leading at the forefront. Since late 2022, Russia has been using Kamikaze drones to evade Ukrainian defences and strike civilian targets, aiming to force Ukraine's surrender. These drones have inflicted substantial damage, leaving the Ukraine Air Force in a state of great distress. However, the Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson Yurii Ihnat informed the media that the Ukrainian military has effectively disabled more than 540 Iranian kamikaze drones by the beginning of this year, in addition to the 38 Shahed drones fired by Russia last August towards Kyiv and the Black Sea port of Odessa. The relatively obscure weapon, deemed to be highly effective in disabling these drones, is the German self-propelled anti-aircraft system called “Gepard.“ In today’s episode, we will explore why the Russian kamikaze drone failed when confronted by the Gepard. We will also briefly mention Russia's recent measures to counter Ukraine's drone killer gun and challenges Ukraine faces concerning the Gepard. So, be sure to watch it through and share your thoughts at the end of the session. Subscribe Now :