Dunkirk 1940: Slaughter of the Warwicks (WW2 Documentary)

On 28th May 1940 on the outskirts of the little-known village of Wormhoudt in northern France, a procession of Prisoners marched. Those soldiers, men of the British Expeditionary Force, exhausted, frightened and many wounded, had just achieved a remarkable feat, and held off the advancing German Army for 8 hours, every minute of which meant their comrades 12 miles away at Dunkirk could live to fight another day. Though, by the time they reached this unassuming location, it was clear that their courage would come at an enormous cost. Over the next few minutes, most would lose their lives at the hands of the SS in an event that has gone down in infamy. In this video, we combine veteran testimony, historic imagery and the latest technology to wind the clock back to those dark days of 1940 and reconstruct the events of what history remembers as the Wormhoudt Massacre. Creating these videos is a lot of work, and it would'nt be possible without your support. Why not check out our Patreon at: http