Once an open field with a small hospital during WW1, than suddenly a large dedicated paratrooper airfield for the Luftwaffe was built. Here the Germans developed their airborne tactics and trained them, it survived the war all the hangers and buildings and after the Cold war it was simply abandoned and slowly nature is reclaiming the huge buildings. So I felt we had to go through this amazing place and see the evolution's and small changes over the years of use. Taking our time building by hanger and a little history of the place and the key figures there. See you Sunday in the chat. Please like and follow it helps and much more history is coming every week. And all the documents and files are being uploaded to the website where you can freely download and see all our research in the members area. And joining us on the website or patreon or our discord chats, all helps and we all collaborate here. It all helps me make more.