The Unbelievable Homes Of West Asia And Africa | Show Me Where You Live Marathon

Phillipe is interested in how architecture can provide a glimpse into how people live all around the world. He travels to some of the most unique spots and culture on the planet to see what they have to offer. Starting off in Kandovan, a village in northwestern Iran, people here live in cones of rock created from thousand-year-old volcanic eruptions that are now carved out in what is called a troglodyte dwelling, some of the oldest dwellings in the world. He then moves onto northern Iran, Masuleh, an area of lush landscape, unlike the desert climate most of the country offers. In this small village, the roofs are all interconnected to form pedestrian areas. Through the rest of his journey he heads to Tiébélé in Burkina Faso to see the Royal Court of the Kassena people, Northern Togo’s Koufitigou region to discover the unique houses called takientas, a fortress-like home made of earthen materials and three regions in India to see the unique architecture that they call home. 00:00:00- 0