Theodor Morell - NAZI Quack Doctor who Turned Adolf Hitler into a Farting Drug Addicted Junkie

Theodor Morell - Nazi Quack Doctor who Turned Hitler into a Farting Drug Addicted Junkie. Theodor Morell joined the Nazi Party in 1933. In 1936 Hoffman arranged for him to visit Hitler at the Berghof, which was Adolf Hitler's mountain residence on the Obersalzberg in the mountains of Bavaria. Morell was able to help the Führer with his gastrointestinal problems such as flatulence which made most of his dinner parties intolerable. In Morell's records, Hitler always appears as “Patient A“. When Hitler was troubled with grogginess in the morning, Morell would inject him with a solution of water mixed with a substance from several small, gold-foiled packets, which he called “Vitamultin“. Hitler would arise, refreshed and invigorated. On at least one occasion, Hitler ordered his private train stopped so that Morell could inject him without worrying about the train jostling. Morell kept a medical diary of the drugs, tonics, vitamins and other substances he adminis