Volcanoes from the Road - OJOS DEL SALADO (6,893m) - Argentina/Chile

OJOS DEL SALADO (6,893m) - The Highest Volcano in the World Nevado Ojos del Salado is a dormant complex volcano in the Andes on the Argentina–Chile border. It is the highest volcano on Earth and the highest peak in Chile. The upper reaches of Ojos del Salado consist of several overlapping lava domes, lava flows and volcanic craters, with an only sparse ice cover. The complex extends over an area of 70–160 square kilometres and its highest summit reaches an altitude of 6,893 metres above sea level. Numerous other volcanoes rise around Ojos del Salado. Due to its location near the Arid Diagonal of South America, the mountain has extremely dry conditions, which prevent the formation of glaciers and a permanent snow cover. Despite the arid climate, there is a permanent crater lake about 100 m in diameter at an elevation of 6,480 metres, 6,500 metres within the summit crater and east of the main summit. This is the highest lake of any kind in the world. Owing to its altitude and the desiccated climate, the mountain lacks vegetation. NEVADO TRES CRUSES (6,748m) Nevado Tres Cruces is a massif of volcanic origin in the Andes Mountains on the border of Argentina and Chile. It has two main summits, Tres Cruces Sur at 6,748 metres and Tres Cruces Centro at 6,629 m and a third minor summit, Tres Cruces Norte 6,030 m. Tres Cruces Sur is the sixth highest mountain in the Andes. The volcano has an extended history of activity, going back at least 1.5 million years. A number of lava domes surround the complex and a number of craters lie on its summits. The main volcano is of rhyodacitic composition and has generated two major ignimbritic eruptions, one 1.5 million years ago and a second 67,000 years ago. The last eruption was 28,000 years ago, but the volcano is a candidate source for a Holocene eruption and could erupt again in the future. Cheers Jiri