thanks for watching :) send me an email if you want your clip removed, or I missed credit, or I mistakenly used without your permission. (videosunusual@) submit a clip: @uv videos used: sweeper finds a kitten @amaiqml/video/7391684220856388882 leg fell off @scottishlife101/video/7387477171276713248 music program crashes @michaelcataofficial/video/7392047436870520106 f that broom @rufdogz/video/7381663612844199198 stick to the head (he was not injured) @MS4wLjABAAAAdfYpBdqs_lc06R3BAHQDj0zBMWkbykFJ2pCa9gCSl2iL5Aq8lh2v9E8wU41tOlmz/video/7391464959344921888 square bicycle @driving_lessons/video/7393672932024716590 smiley dog @thatkidwiththedog/video/7362638111513349418 bottle table break perfect dap dishes sink breaks cat in a drawer oil pops coffee girl sees it coming guy on a slack line skateboard pants stickers on windshield flamethrower wasp nest big train ticket sauce wipe alligator swing (he was not injured) bug in dog's ear (it was fake) mcdonalds windy cat scared by horn guy bites through burger paper bread for bird jump truck breaks in half guy drops beer puppy in the fridge oil in the AC vent girl arranging bolts chocolate smack outro music