Analyse d’une Lettre d’un Pervers Narcissique Affaire Gabby Petito

Cette vidéo est la suite de la précédente au sujet de l’affaire Gabby Petito et Brian Laundrie. Elle revient sur la lettre d’aveux qui a été retrouvée sur Brian. Ce dernier présente clairement les traits d’un pervers narcissique. Il ne s’agit pas d’une accusation portée a la légère comme on le voit souvent dans les tribunaux lors des affaires de divorce. Ici, le gars a clairement un passif qui laisse peu de doutes sur sa personnalité : - Il est violent sur le plan physique et psychologique - Il est manipulateur (regardez comment il a pu embobiner la police de l’Utah !) - Il peut mentir avec un aplomb qui trompe même les professionnels - Il peut contrôler ses émotions au millimètre - N’a pas de scrupules - Capables d’un grand sang froid - Il est centré sur lui-même - Il est égoïste et voit les choses uniquement selon sa propre perspective - Manque d’empathie - Croit que les autres sont tout aussi pervers et tordus que lui - Il est cruel - Voit les autres uniquement comme des objets ou des outils pour atteindre ses objectifs personnels Chapitres : 00:00 La lettre de Brian Laundrie 01:10 Gabby a un TOC avec la propreté ? 01:22 Vidéo de Gabby Petito parlant a la police 02:55 Description du dispositif de police 05:15 Le flic suggère d’aller prendre une douche 08:15 La croit que c’est Gabby l’agresseur 10:15 Début de l’analyse de la lettre et la personnalité du pervers narcissique 29:40 Ma théorie : une vengeance ? La lettre de Brian Laundrie : Gabby, I wish I was right at your side, I wish I could be talking to you right now. I’d be going through every memory we’ve made, getting even more excited for the future. But we’ve lost our future. I can’t live without you. I’ve lost every day we could’ve spent together. Every holiday. I’ll never get to play with [unintelligible] again. Never go hiking with TJ. I Loved you more than ANYTHING. [...] If you were reading Gabs journal, looking at the photos from our life together, fliping (sic) through old cards you wouldn’t want to live a day without her. Knowing that everyday you’ll wake up without her, you wouldn’t want to wake up. I’m sorry to everyone this will affect, Gabby was the love of my life, but I know adored by many. I’m so very sorry to her family, because I love them. [...] … I am sorry to my family. This is a shock to them as well as a terrible greif (sic). [...] This occurred as an unexpected tragedy. Rushing back to our car trying to cross the streams of spread creek before it got too dark to see, to (sic) cold. I hear a splash and a scream. I could barely see, I couldn’t find her for a moment, shouted her name. I found her breathing heavily gasping my name, she was freezing cold. We had just came from the blazing hot National Parks In Utah. The temperature had dropped to freezing and she was soaking wet. I carried her as far as I could down the stream towards the car, stumbling exhausted in shock, when my knees buckled and knew I couldn’t safely carry her. I started a fire and spooned her as close to the heat, she was so thin, had already been freezing too long. [Unwritten Question 1 : Why didn't you go to the car first? ] I couldn’t at the time realize that I should’ve started a fire first but I wanted her out of the cold back to the car. [Unwritten Question 2 : How close was the car from where you found her?] From where I started the fire I had no idea how far the car might be. Only knew it was across the creek. When I pulled Gabby out of the water she couldn’t tell me what hurt. She had a small bump on her forehead that eventually got larger [...] She would wake in pain start the whole painful cycle again while furious that I was the one waking her. She wouldn’t let me try to cross the creek, thought like me that this fire would go out in her sleep and she’d freeze. I don’t know the extent of Gabby’s injurys (sic). Only that she was in extreme pain. I ended her life, I thought it was merciful, that it is what she wanted, but I see now all the mistakes I made. I panicked, I was in shock. But from the moment I decided, took away her pain, I knew I couldn’t go on without her. I rushed home to spend any time I had left with my family. I wanted to drive north and let James or TJ kill me but I wouldn’t want them to spend time in jail over my mistake, even though I’m sure they would have liked to. I am ending my life not because of a fear of punishment but rather because I can’t stand to live another day without her. I’ve lost out whole future together, every moment we could have cherished. I’m sorry for everyone’s loss. Please do not make life harder for my family, they lost a son and a daughter. The most wonderful girl in the world. Gabby I'm sorry. I have killed myself by this creek in the hopes that animals may tear me apart. That it may make some of her family happy. Please pick up all of my things. Gabby hated people who litter. Note: part of the letter are clipped due to characters limit (5000)