#norsegods #shamanism #sapmi #norway #arctic #norsemythology #witchcraft If you are a steady watcher please consider supporting the life of this channel by joining our now huge patrons family at Dear friends, this video is a very personal journey on how I met the Norse and Sami Gods and in doing so how met my own self and what my eyes and soul saw when that happened. This video is on ode to my land, the north Norwegian Sapmi, and it presents the main teachings the land up here has offered me that contributed to have me reach balance and harmony in my life and a deeper and fuller connection with my spirituality. A Kulning to the Gods is performed at some point in the video, the technique is personal and I would invite you to read the disclaimer before attempting the use of it in your craft. Disclaimer: Please do not attempt the Kulning performed in this video as it has a different type of technique, if you are not acquainted with it you could hurt yourself. As