Network Protocols - ARP, FTP, SMTP, HTTP, SSL, TLS, HTTPS, DNS, DHCP - Networking Fundamentals - L6

In this video we provide a formal definition for Network “Protocols“. We then briefly describe the functionality of the 8 most common networking protocols on the Internet: DNS, DHCP, HTTP, SSL, TLS, HTTPS, FTP, and SMTP. We follow that with a discussion on the four items which MUST be configured to achieve any sort of Internet connectivity. This is Lesson 6 of Module 1 of a Networking Fundamentals course. The first module will be released for free on Youtube and will teach anyone the very core of networking: How data moves through the Internet. === Networking Fundamentals - Module 1 === Lesson 1 - Network Devices Part 1: Part 2: Lesson 2 - OSI Model Part 1: Part 2: Lesson 3 - Everything Hosts to do speak on the Internet Part 1: Part 2: Lesson 4 - Everything S