Stephen Krashen 博士:我們有何選擇?教科書還是故事書?Dr. Stephen Krashen: What Choices Have We? Textbook vs Storybook

測考/操練/強記/工作紙有何不妥?為可學英語應該用故事書?在中國內地和台灣用故事書學英語的成功故事能否在香港複製? Why the traditional approach: worksheets, tests and memorisation is no longer relevant in language acquisition? Can success stories in primary students in Mainland China and Taiwan be replicated in HK? Stephen Krashen 博士(美國) 美國南加州大學榮譽教授 Dr. Krashen 是世界著名的語言學家,亦是教育研究者和社會活動家。自1994年開始,他從語言學研究轉為教育學的研究。其最著名的研究,是建立首套全面的第二語言學習理論(Theory of second language acquisition)。他亦是「自然教學法」(Natural Approach) 的其中一位創立者,已發表超過350份有關雙語教育及閱讀的論文和書籍,並推動以「自主閱讀」(Free Voluntary Reading)來學習第二語言,讓學生自由選擇自己喜歡的讀物,不限制其閱讀的速度,目的是讓他們享受閱讀的樂趣,所以毋需考核成果。他認為這是學習母語及第二語言最有效的方法。他曾在加州積極捍衞雙語教學,並就此向傳媒發表逾一千篇文章,成為知名的社會活動家。 其著作多次獲獎,在2005年更成為國際閱讀協會「閱讀名人堂」(Reading Hall of Fame)的名人之一。工作之餘,Dr. Krashen 原來是跆拳道高手,是黑帶持有人。 Dr. Stephen Krashen (US) Professor Emeritus University of Southern California Dr. Krashen is a world renowned linguist, educational researcher and activist. Since 1994, his research focus shifted from linguistics to the study of education. He is best known for the development of the first comprehensive theory of seconf language acquisition, and is also the co-inventor of the Natural Approach in language teaching. He has published more than 350 papers and books, mainly on bilingual education and reading. He also promotes free voluntary reading during second language acquisition, which means students are free to choose a book that they like and are allowed to read it at their own pace. The aim is to help them enjoy reading, so assessment is usually minimized or there is none at all. During a campaign to enact an anti-bilingual education law in California, Dr. Krashen became an activist and campaigned aggressively in variuos media, writing over 1,000 letters to the editor defending bilingual education. Dr. Krashen has won a number of awards for his work. In 2005, he was inducted into the International Reading Association's Reading Hall of Fame. Outside work, he is a Kung Fu master, holding a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. 教育大同論壇 2014 教育有選擇 2014 EDiversity Conference: We Need Choices EDiversity 教育大同