No one’s around to help.

(this isn't a cry for help, it's just the words from an error screen from Pocket Camp) If you see this used anywhere else (e.g. uploaded to spotify, or someone profiting from merch/covers/edits), that is fine! You don't need to tell me, I'm 100% okay with it for this one. Truthfully, I'd feel pretty hypocritical otherwise - through circumstances I didn't fully realize at the time, the video-side of this is built on other people's work: Since I'd never played Pocket Camp, I saw a gif going around of Bob dancing over the error (with no background) and thought it was just a clip from the game. Turns out a Tumblr user combined the two (I can no longer find the post/author, there were no words added making it harder to find, + the words now mostly lead to stuff related to THIS version. If you ever stumble across the original post, lemme know the author so I can credit them here). So the IDEA of Bob dancing over these words is not my own (I was a lil more ok with that when I thought I was just taking it from a video game - I didn't realize my mistake til I actually played it a few years later). As well as this, the shifting background itself is actually just from Hotline Miami 1's main menu. The visuals here are entirely a combination of unoriginal parts that I threw a stock Vegas effect over, only the music is my own (barring the New Leaf theme sample, of course). As such, having any attitude other than “take it, do whatever you want with it“ would be wrong on my part, I feel. Go hog wild, whatever!