Мусоргский - Полное собрание песен / Mussorgsky - Complete Songs

1.Où es-tu petite étoile ? / Tell me, star, where are you ? (00:00) 2.L’heure joyeuse / The joyous hour (04:29) pourquoi, ma fille / Tell me why, o maid (06:31) bruissaient les feuilles / The leaves were sadly rustling (09:06) suis riche en palais / I am rich in palaces (12:47) vous les mots d’amour / For you, the words of love (15:47) roi Saül / King Saul (17:42) du vieillard / Song of the old man (20:51) ns sommes séparés avec orgueil / We parted proudly (23:46) vents orageux / The winds are howling (26:59) nuit / Night (31:27) / Calistratus (34:37) du baléare / Balearic song (39:18) ère / A prayer (42:37) femme rejetée / The cast-off woman (45:49) , fils de paysans / Sleep, son of peasants (48:43) (54:26) 18.Désir / Desire (57:15) (59:51) 20.O ma Savichna / My Savishna (1:02:22) séminariste / The seminarist (1:03:38) juif / Hebrew song (1:07:24) pie / The Magpie (1:10:17) champignons / Seeking mushrooms (1:12:12) fête) / Piruchka-The feast (1:13:30) 25.L’oursin / The urchin (1:15:44) chèvre / The goat (1:17:42) bord du Don / By the river Don (1:20:11) classic / The classic (1:22:11) 29.L’orphelin / The orphan (1:25:02) Children’s Songs / The Nursery d’enfant / Children’s song (1:27:24) maternité / The nursery (1:28:39) coin / In the corner (1:30:24) hanneton / The beetle (1:32:01) la poupée / With the doll (1:34:19) prière du soir / Evening prayer (1:35:58) le dada / The hobby-horse (1:38:03) chat ‘matelot’ / The cat ‘sailor’ (1:41:16) d’Eriomouchka / Eriomushka’s cradle song (1:43:16) guignol / The puppet-show (1:47:06) du soir / Evening song (2:00:26) 41.L’oublié / The forsaken one (2:01:50) Sunless Songs quatre murs / Within four walls (2:04:07) yeux dans la foule m’ignorent Thine eyes in the crowd ne’er perceived me (2:06:03) jours de fête sont finis The useless days is over (2:07:10) 45.L’ennui / Boredom (2:10:50) / Elegy (2:12:45) l’eau / On the river (2:16:34) Songs and Dances of Death (2:20:26) / Cradle song (2:26:03) (2:31:35) chef de l’armée / The warrior-captain (2:36:47) cruelle / Cruel death (2:42:54) mal compris / The Misunderstood One (2:46:07) / Misfortune (2:48:29) 55.L’esprit du ciel / The spirit of heaven (2:50:59) brave ne doit-il point filer la laine What fellow is fitted for weaving or spinning (2:53:30) (2:55:22) 58.A Vision (2:57:41) 59.L’orgueil / Master haughty (3:00:26) vagabond / The Wanderer (3:02:19) le Dnièpr / On the Dnieper (3:03:39) / Song of Mephistopheles (3:08:38) Bass : Boris Christoff Piano : Alexandre Labinsky (all the songs) & Gerald Moore (just the number 4) Orchestre National de la Radiodiffusion Française Direction : Georges Tzipine Recorded in 1951,55,57, at Paris and London New mastering in 2018 by AB for CMRR Find CMRR’s recordings on Spotify: