Military Strategist Shows How China Would Likely Invade Taiwan | WSJ

What was once unthinkable—direct conflict between the United States and China—has now become a commonplace discussion in the national security community as tensions continue to escalate between Taiwan and China. Two big indicators that cause analysts concern is Xi Jinping saying Taiwan belongs to Beijing and will be reunified and their massive military buildup over the past 20 years. WSJ spoke with the CSIS’s Mark Cancian, who lays out the outcome of a potential war in the Taiwan Strait based on the organization's recent wargames. Chapters: 0:00 China-Taiwan tensions rising 1:00 Background on Taiwan 2:02 The war game News Explainers Some days the high-speed news cycle can bring more questions than answers. WSJ’s news explainers break down the day's biggest stories into bite-size pieces to help you make sense of the news. #China #Taiwan #WSJ