Flood of Devotion || Yamuna Embrace in Vrindavan

The unanticipated deluge of Yamuna River in Vrindavan wreaked havoc, leaving no time for warning or preparation. As the water levels surged beyond control, families were compelled to abandon their cherished homes, seeking refuge from the chaos. Amid the flood's devastation in Vrindavan, ISKCON's compassionate devotee kitchen stepped forward, taking on the noble responsibility of providing nourishing meals to the families seeking refuge at the relief camp. With utmost dedication, they served wholesome and healthy food, offering not just sustenance but also a comforting touch to those in distress. In the face of adversity, the selfless service of ISKCON's devotees shone as a beacon of hope, bringing a sense of relief and warmth to the flood-affected families. Their tireless efforts demonstrated the power of compassion and solidarity, uniting hearts and fostering resilience during challenging times. With each meal served, ISKCON's kitchen became a source of solace and strength, reminding everyone that even in the darkest hours, acts of kindness can illuminate the path to recovery and renewal.