This performance is from their 2016 ARCHE BUDOKAN live and the song was requested by FrodoBaggins1926. Enjoy! Translation by me. Annotations: “Flick out those that are all talk“ - “All talk“ in the sense of being “insincere“. The verb used is quite unusual in this context (弾け read hajike, not hike), so I guess it sounds unusual in the English as well. “Is the world pleased?“ - “World“ also in the sense of “society“. “My implemented wrist aches“ - “Implemented“ meaning “realized“. Sounds a bit unusual again, but the lyrics do read as if it refers to the “wrist“, so I translated it that way. “Thirteen of a mechanism orange“; “Death thirteen of a clockwork“ - These lines together seem to clearly refer to the Stanley Kubrick movie “A clockwork orange“. “Mechanism“ is the “work“ in “clockwork“. The “clock“ part is missing in that line and added back in the latter one. Also, I am pretty confident the number thirteen once again (we see this in songs like Vinushka, or even used by other bands like the GazettE) refers to the stairs that are said to lead up to the gallows in Japan when a death sentence is enacted. The connection to “death“ also makes sense that way. “My strong point is living honestly and I don't have any weak points“ - What a nice line. “Honestly“ can be interpreted multiple ways (righteous, obedient...) but since this line is clearly irony (stating that one's strong point is honesty, then proceeding to lie about having no weak points), I found “honest“ most fitting. It might also tie back into the first line, where having a righteous “face“ (assumably like a mask) is criticized. That's my two cents on this part. “As you're pouring down you're majestic baby“ - Kyo changed the lyrics here. In the original, it would've just been a repetition of “dancing“, but I think he's singing 注ぐ (sosogu), which means to “pour down“. --------------- I do not own Dir En Grey or any of their music or performances. I translate for fun and wanted to share this translation. Thank you for watching!