Santana with Europa. Bass Cover Score Tabs Chords Transcription

Find the tabs/score/chords of all my video's on my website To get the tabs/score/chords of Europa, go to: #PPS-Santana-Europe To get a free download, please go to: If you appreciate the effort I put into making the video's and transcriptions, please consider making a donation! The ‘secret’ of this bassline is within playing the eight note staccato (short) on the second count en not legato (long). This already starts at the beginning of the song. Look for instance at bars 1 – 7. I find it also very ‘musically’ to have a rest just before the next bar. In bars 1 -7 David plays a rest on the eight note in the fourth count. This gives a ‘breathing pause’ before the next bar starts. It’s a matter of taste if/when you use this ‘breathing pause’. If you want to know more about the main groove and other gr