0AD Tips for for 0ad beginner, intermediate, advanced, and elite players, while Borg smashes a nub

Beginner Skills: - LOTS of Economy and LOTS of soldiers. - Find and do upgrades. - Know basic units - farmers, soldiers, cavalry, siege, heroes. - Find and minimize idle units. Intermediate Skills: - Fight with a big army, usually. - Know the flow of resource requirements, and manage it. - Know the relationships between units. What beats what? - Be able to quickly convert resources to combat power. (Have enough barracks or stables) - Watch replays and try to learn. (Probably I should have included one about placing storehouses / granaries close to the resources being collected.) Advanced Skills: - Aggressively optimize your resources. - Know general tactics and have a plan for typical challenges. - Use optimal batch sizes for the situation. - Know units in details and create synergies. Elite Skills: - Consistently great micro. - Scour the update for some details that may give you an advantage. - Be very, very flexible. 0:00