#BRICS on the Move To Replace the West’s ‘Law of The Jungle’

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to questions@ or ask them in the live stream. The world is in the throes of a tectonic shakeup, which is not about to come to a halt anytime soon, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche told associates on Jan. 15. We are at the end of an era, and 2024 will be decisive in determining what the outcome will be. The open calls for preparing full-scale war against Russia and China are growing in the NATO nations, she said, as seen in the recent comments of German, Finnish and Swedish authorities who have announced that their countries must prepare for war with Russia on European territory in the next few years…. … In Southwest Asia, not only is the brutal war in Gaza escalating, despite the stunning legal case against Israeli genocide that South Africa presented last week at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, but it now threatens to spread to the Red Sea, with the United States and the United Kingdom launching missile and other strikes against the Houthis in Yemen. As an editorial in China Daily put it: “Washington should rein in the bloodlust of Tel Aviv if it wants to stop the attacks on ships in the Red Sea. The fact that it hasn’t already done so … suggests that Washington intends to take advantage of the Gaza conflict to create turmoil in the region once again.” Unchecked, this trajectory will take mankind back to the law of the jungle, to the war of each against all—which, in the nuclear age, means the likely annihilation of the human species. That trajectory, however, is not proceeding unchecked. With London and Washington on a rampage for further wars, as they discredit and dismantle essential world institutions such as the UN and its ICJ, the BRICS process is on the march, creating and strengthening new institutions to meet the common needs of Mankind. And that is intersecting unprecedented political ferment in Germany, with the farmers’ protests, and growing anti-war demonstrations in other Western nations, and in fact across the world…. … Contrary to Henry Kissinger’s racist dictum that “history is not made in the South,” the leading force for global change is now coming from that very Global South. As Helga Zepp-LaRouche stated in her remarks with associates, our task is to get forces that are in motion into a full strategic discussion of the solutions to the crisis. British geopolitics must come to an end, and the West must sit down to negotiate and reach agreements with the Global Majority—not try to impose the law of the jungle upon them. An entirely new paradigm must be forged, using the Ten Principles proposed by Zepp-LaRouche as a jumping off point for the kind of in-depth policy discussions required. ---------------------- We encourage you to watch the presentations made by South Africa and Israel to the ICJ, or to read the transcripts. They are available here: Video of the proceedings: Arguments from South African legal team, Jan. 11: Arguments from Israeli legal team, Jan. 12: Also, full uncorrected transcripts are now available: Arguments from South African legal team, Jan. 11: Arguments from Israeli legal team, Jan. 12: