Steppe Route of Indo European Dispersal: Preliminary Findings | Dr Aleksandr Semenenko

Sangam Talks 20 апреля 2023 г. About the Talk: The oldest anthropological type of the Indo-European Homeland in the Borderlands of Iran, Hindustan and southern Central Asia is the Indo-Afghan, to which most of the population belongs from the Neolithic to the present. Migration from here through the steppes to Siberia and Eastern Europe can be traced in the Neolithic, Eneolithic and Bronze Age. About the Speaker: Dr Aleksandr Semenenko graduated from the Voronezh State University, History Department, Ancient World & Archaeology Chair (1998). The author of more than 20 books and around 80 articles on Indo-European and Vedic Indo-Aryan Studies. Topics Covered: 0:00 Introduction to the topic 1:10 Preliminary Scientific Restrictions 2:20 Rigvedic population & Mehrgarh population originated from one common stem 4:00 Indo-European Homeland in the border region between Iran, Bactria - Margiana & Hindustan - Archaeological Evidence 14:10 Two main recorded burial traditions of the Indo European Homeland - Pra Iranian & Pra Indo Aryan 24:10 Indo-European Homeland in the border region between Iran, Bactria - Margiana & Hindustan - Anthropological Evidence 36:50 Neolithic Kelteminar Culture 47:10 Dr Aleksandr Semenenko’s summarization of the preliminary findings Q&A 47:51 Did Mehrgarh had a major role in dispersal of Indo European through the Indo Afghan area? 53:05 R1A1 gene as a bone of contention in the original homeland of the Indo Europeans? 56:10 What does the mapping of the movement of populations through Central Asia have in store? 1:00:32 Chronology of the Vedas and Harappan chronology? 1:03:30 Tibet in the Indo Aryan debate? 1:10:14 Armenian ancestry in South Central Asia? 1:17:00 Soviet politics and Nationalism which led to claiming to be Aryan homeland? 1:21:57 Are anthropological data on skull dimensions reliable? 1:29:00 Incursion of Central Asia gene in 1500 BC and David Reich’s claims? 1:34:32 Spread of Indo European languages and spread of Buddhism is linked? 1:28:10 Yajurveda importance in Indo European studies? 1:41:40 Importance of Soviet/Russian studies in the Aryan debate? 1:49:48 Soma worship of the RgVeda’s origins? 1:55:00 How reliable is Shrikant Talageri’s research on the RgVeda’s Dasarajanya battle? 2:02:11 Where can Dr Semenenko’s works in English be accessed?