Texas vs. Feds Border Showdown Explodes into Far-Right Extremism

On The Freedom Side LIVE, Thursday, 2/01 at 3pm ET/12pm PT, Eugene and Rania are joined by special guests: Todd Miller - The fight between Texas and the federal government over the control of the US-Mexico border has further intensified, as the far-right, racist, anti-immigration extremism campaign further reverberates through the country. A clash over razor wire on the Texas border has led to Biden promising to “shut down the border” and an escalating standoff between the federal and state governments. Todd Miller, an author and journalist specializing in border issues, explains the standoff and how decades of bipartisan policies have led to the grave humanitarian crisis along the border. Kwesi Pratt, Jr. - Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger announced their withdrawal from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on January 28. In a statement announcing the exit, the three countries stated, “Under the influence of foreign powers”, the regional bloc of ECOWAS “has become a