10-2022 - Autumn - Otoño - 1 - GRINDELWALD - It is located in the Jungfrau region. From which you can visit towns such as Wengen, Lauterbrunnen, Kleine Sheidegg and Junfrau Peak Esta situada en la región del Jungfrau. Desde la cual se puede visitar localidades como Wengen, Lauterbrunnen, Kleine Sheidegg y el pico Junfrau 2 - ISELTWALD Iseltwald is 25 minutes in bus from Interlaken Iseltwald esta a 25 minutos de Interlaken en bus Iseltwald is in the canton of Bern, in the Interlaken district. The town is located on Lake Brienz. Iseltwald esta en el cantón de Berna, en el distrito de Interlaken. El pueblo se encuentra en el lago de Brienz 3 - LAKE BRIENZ - Lago de Brienz In it there are many towns to visit such as Bonigen, Ringgenberg, Iseltwald and Brienz En el hay muchos pueblos para visitar como Bonigen, Ringgenberg, Iseltwald y Brienz The lake is continuously fed by the river Aar flowing into it, then flowing towards Lake Thun El lago es alimentado continuamente por el rio Aar desembocando en el mismo fluyendo luego hacia el lago de Thun 4 - Zermatt Matterhorn - Monte Cervino It is located in the canton of Valais. Unlike the other cities that speak French, German is spoken there It is one of the main tourist cities in Switzerland for skiing, mountaineering and hiking. Se encuentra en el canton de Valais. A diferencia de las demas ciudades que se habla frances, alli se habla Aleman Es una de las principales ciudades turisticas de Suiza por el esquí, montañismo y excursionismo. 5 - SPIEZ Spiez is located on the shore of Lake Thun Spiez se encuentra a orillas del Lago Thun Leaving the train station you will find a stunning view from the top of Lake Thun, the mountains and the Spiez Castle on the shore Saliendo de la estacion de tren se encontrara con una solprendente vista desde lo alto del lago de Thun, las montañas y el Castilo de Spiezsobre la orilla Spiez Castle - Castillo de Thun Faulensee 6 - THUN It is located on the shores of the lake of the same name. One of its attractions is the historical center located on an island surrounded by the Aar river that comes out of the lake having fun in two arms Está situada a orillas del lago de su mismo nombre. Una de sus atracciones es el centro historico situado sobre una isla rodeada por el rio Aar que sale del lago diviendonse en dos brazos Flusswelle - Bridge or wooden dam built to control the water level Flusswelle - Puente o dique de madera construido para controlar el nivel del río View of the Romanesque church of Scherzligen Vista de la iglesia románica de Scherzligen City Hall Square - Plaza del Ayuntamiento Thun Castle of Thun - Castillo de Thun River Aar - Río Aar 6 - GOLDIWIL Is a town in Switzerland that is on the banks of Lake Thun. It can be easily reached by bus from Thun. 7 - OBERHOFEN Is a town in Switzerland that is on the banks of Lake Thun. It can be easily reached by bus from Thun. 8 - SIGRISWIL Is a town in Switzerland that is on the banks of Lake Thun. It can be easily reached by bus from Thun.