Canadian Police Protect 50-Year-Old Male Swimmer Who Changes in Girl’s Locker Room

50 year old “trans“ swimmer Nicolas Cepeda, aka Melody, is still allowed to compete against 13 year old girls. Cepeda has competed in multiple swim meets with teenage girls. It has also been confirmed that Cepeda showers and changes in the girl's locker rooms. Rebel news has been reporting on the story but David Menzes has had the police called on him multiple times, while Cepeda continues to be protected. Instead of banning Cepeda from the women's locker rooms, the police seem more concerned about journalists reporting on the story. Last weekend there was some good news about the effort to protect girls from this ordeal, a swim meet was cancelled due to public pressure. But it is bittersweet, as the children are the ones to miss out. All because a 50 year old man is allowed to compete in their category.