The Web Is Not The Net

HAPPY 25th birthday, WWW! my twitter: my instagram: ***SOURCES and LINKS BELOW*** ALL MUSIC BY ZACH MCCOY: BOOK: Everything Bad is Good for You: BOOK: Spacesuit: Fashioning Apollo CGP Grey on Net Neutrality: Vi Hart on Net Neutrality: Mimas: Mimas in depth: spain compared to contiguous U.S. old computer footage: first use of the word “internet“: first message sent over internet: history of the internet: Tim Berners-Lee's proposal: first website: internet vs web 'hypertext' without electricity: hypertext: [PDF] ~mbolin/ maps of the web: ONE SECOND IN THE WEB: How much of the traffic on the internet is adult content? internet traffic: web and internet metaphors: ~ztomasze/ling440/ [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] ~odlyzko/doc/ [PDF] Wrath of the Sea painting: 19 clicks away: ,2817,2415589, screenagers: Unamuno: emojitracker: Least-used emoji: Deep Web: Novel google searches every day: wiki links: :Arpanet_logical_map,