Abu Simbel, Egypt Rock Carved Monument. Nubia, Kingdom of Kush, Ramesses II, Renovation = “Founded”?

Howdy y’all. Today we will discuss ancient Egypt. More specifically, Abu Simbel, a monument to Ramesses II, built in the lands of ancient Nubia. It was built, according to the current narrative, from 1264 BC to 1244 BC. Just twenty years to complete this immense structure. Eventually, this monument was lost to time, buried by sand and earth, but rediscovered in the 1800’s and renovated. Today we will look at the oldest known photographs taken during this 1850’s and 1860’s renovation, we will discuss the implications of Ramesses reshaping Egyptian History with his renovation and reconstruction campaign, and we will wrap up the video by showcasing the astounding relocation of the entire Abu Simbel structure in the 1960’s. I believe there’s certainly more to this history than meets the eye. Please share your thoughts in the comments down below. Enjoy! Links for further research; (village) %27s_nose_to_spite_one%27s_face