Coverups surrounding the Wuhan Institute of Virology are ‘extraordinary’

Sky News host Sharri Markson says the coverups she discovered while investigating the possibility COVID-19 leaked out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology were “extraordinary”. Ms Markson began her investigations in March last year and said it became very clear there was a real possibility the virus started in the Wuhan lab. “The more I kept digging into it, the story just started unravelling and the coverups were extraordinary,” she said. “The scientific journals who refused to publish the papers from people like Nikolai Petrovsky in Australia, other scientists as well that questioned a natural origin. “Then you had the media censorship as well. They were claiming this was a conspiracy. The tech giants censored it. “And even as I investigated this more I discovered that even people in the state department, in [Mike] Pompeo’s own department who were looking at whether the lab leak was possible, met resistance from the intelligence agencies.” Ms Markson’s documentary 'What Really Happened in Wuh