Fencing with five different medieval weapons

The Fencing pieces shown in the video are either interpretations of historical texts or freely combinated sequences. Sword and Buckler: Liegnitzer Messer: Jakob Sutor Poleaxe: Paulus Hector Mair Dagger, Longsword: no direct interpretation of a single piece of text. Fencers in this video are: Tom Brennauer, Gladiatores München Andreas Jacob, Gladiatores Jena Gabi Walther, Gladiatores Jena Frank Aupperle, Gladiatores Leistungszentrum Karlsruhe Sven Baumgarten, Gladiatores Leistungszentrum Karlsruhe Manufacturer of Weapons: Long swords and Poleaxes: Pavel Moc Bucklers and Daggers: Kasto Messers: Unknown As usual you can download the music in mp3 format. You can find it on Alexander Werner's Website: Subscribe! or visit our channel for more videos