Alan Watt (May 28, 2017) Pt 2 In a Propaganda War Winners Act With Rigid Repetition, Nevermind Facts

Alan Watt Website - Multilingual Transcripts - Cutting Through The Matrix Podcast (.xml and .rss) - Help the Source by Supporting Alan's Work - Book PDFs from Sagacious News Network - Book - 'My Life, An Attempt at Autobiography' by Leon Trotsky (1930) May 28, 2017 “Cutting Through the Matrix“ with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) “In a Propaganda War the Winner Acts With Rigid Repetition, No Blinding with Facts - Part 2“ © Alan Watt May 28, 2017 TOPICS: Conology - Rich Socialists - Statistics - Facts don't Matter - Bonn Climate Talks - Club of Rome - Gorbachev, Create New Religion, A Form of Earth Worship - Albert Pike Talked About End of Private Property - Trotsky Inducted into Freemasonry - Tennyson Wrote Poem, Locksley Hall - Brotherhood of Man, Federation of the World - Soviet System - Fabian Socialism - Scientific Management - People Will Comply Because They Want to Be Good - Prominent World Federalists Include Albert Einstein, Walter Cronkite, H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell - CIGI and Government of Canada's World Refugee Council to be Chaired by Lloyd Axworthy - Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) - Ontario Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) - A World of Bureaucratese - Media Normalization of Geoengineering - Military Testing of Biological Warfare - Fines and Taxes - Agenda 21. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 28, 2017 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) ----- Topics of show covered in following links: Bonn climate talks: key outcomes from the May 2017 UN climate conference Scary Quotes from Alarmists explain the “Plan.“ UN Bonn Climate Conference Demands $300 Billion per Year to Alleviate the Tedium UNFCCC Jargon Buster Locksley Hall Prominent World Federalists New Council to Seek Solutions for Global Refugee Crisis Lloyd Axworthy This one's got legs: the Ontario Climate Change Solutions Deployment Corporation Five things you need to know about how Ontario’s climate change action plan will affect your life Geoengineering and ‘Chemtrails’ Are Described in Mainstream Media As Highly Dangerous But Necessary To Combat Global Warming Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health The U.S. Military Once Tested Biological Warfare On The Whole Of San Francisco 19th Annual Gas Tax Honesty Report - Canadian Taxpayers Federation - May 18th, 2017 Constitution gives Ottawa right to impose carbon price on provinces: McKenna Federal carbon tax plan to follow Alberta plan, include individual rebates .