Copper wire ship wheel pendant with small stone - full version ( slow ) 331

Copper wire ship wheel pendant with small stone - wire wrap jewelry making I would like to share my knowledge and skills so that you can study online Ideas come from everywhere, not only from wire jewelry, from other forms of handicrafts, from the drawings and from everything around me. then I follow my imagination. I try find a way simple and easy understand to guide. with new pattern I have to do a few times before success With creativity you can change some details to create your own style wire size to make pendant diameter 4cm and stone diameter 4mm (can + a few centimeters to depreciate) 19 gauge ( wire diameter 1mm ) : 2 x 9cm( 4 inch) 20 gauge ( wire diameter ) : 40cm( 16 inch) 28 gauge ( wire diameter ) : 200cm( 80 inch) TIPS : - Before doing, the wire should always be straightened, to bending is even and more beautiful - Can use a towel to straighten the wire. - It is difficult to see the wrapping clearly, so wrap as you like - Can be replaced with silver wire or gold wire for jewelry more valuable Or simply use cheap material like copper wire to make gifts for friends, family or for yourself - I just give way reference, not the best way. Can change size wire to suit your purpose. You can do better than me. Fast version : tất cả danh sách phát của kênh Lan Anh Handmade: