The Rupture 60hz.

During these 4 years I imagined myself getting to that last ship from 0 and passing it in my head so many times, but it still feels unlike anything I expected. I won't really go into detail about this journey, from May 2020 to June 2024 a lot has happened for sure. I still remember myself posting stupidly little progress in AzoX in 2020, then on the LRR server, my streams on Youtube, Twitch and everything. I felt the time passing slowly, with multiple sclerosis making my sessions more and more draining, as well as being an overall huge roadblock mentally, for GD and in life as a whole. Some of you saw my last video a few months back and I won't lie I wasn't ready to come back on it at all at that time, a few weeks later my friend LuckyNS told me he was considering going for The Rupture 60hz, and knowing that I wasn't the only one playing it really helped me go back to it. I'm really thankful to him ! I also came back to streaming it on Twitch a few days ago. Today I was just playing as usual and then the attempt came out of nowhere, this was my first time getting to the blue part in about a month but I passed it and then fluked from 80%, it felt like a miracle really. I beat it on a 2.1 GDPS, without any hacks or mods, the same way I always played it (expect for when I was on mobile) but I used TimerResolution and Rivatuner. Although the main difficulty for me came from multiple sclerosis and not the actual game, The Rupture 60hz is really brutal. At first it was actually pretty fun, but then I got to training the chokepoints. When playing it you can easily see that the ship and wave parts are almost all chokepoints, while the timing sections are a lot more reasonable. For me the ship chokepoints felt really inconsistent and unfair, especially 35-36, the hardest part for me. That might be partially due to 2.1 physics but they're probably still ridiculous on 2.2. This took me 980k attempts in total, that's a lot but at least it's over now and I finally have a hardest that really shows how much effort I put into it. I'm so happy !! And really, thanks to everyone who was there to support me, it means a lot and at last, I can say that I have fulfilled my promise. :) Level music : Waterflame - Rupture Menu music : FamilyJules - Eye of the Terror