SAMA - 03 | Sri Ganashtakam | Ganesh Chaturthi Special

To listen to “Sri Ganashtakam“ stotram tutor line by line, click this link - To listen to the Karaoke Track for this Stotram, please click this link - “gaṇāṣṭakaṃ ēkadantaṃ mahākāyaṃ taptakāñcana sannibhaṃ | lambōdaraṃ viśālākṣaṃ vandē'haṃ gaṇanāyakam|| He who is One-tusked with a large form that resembles molten gold, The pot-bellied One with wide eyes, I salute the Master of Ganas (attendants of Shiva). mauñjikṛṣṇājinadharaṃ nāgayajñopavītinaṃ | bālendu vilasanmauliṃ vandē'haṃ gaṇanāyakam || Seated on a three-striped skin of an antelope, wearing a snake as a sacred thread, And whose face glows like the crescent, I salute the Master of Ganas. ambikāhṛdayānandaṃ mātṛbhiḥ paripālitaṃ | bhaktapriyaṃ madōnmattam vandē'haṃ gaṇanāyakam || The delight of Mother Ambika’s heart, One who is protected by the Divine Parents, Who is intoxicated by the love of the devotees, I salute the Master of Ganas. citraratnavicitrāṅgaṃ citramālāvibhūṣitaṃ | citrarūpadharaṃdēvaṃ vandē'haṃ gaṇanāyakam || Whose form is decorated with colourful gems and is adorned with beautiful garlands. The Lord who can assume any form, I salute the Master of Ganas. gajavaktraṃ suraśrēṣṭhaṃ karṇacāmara bhūṣitaṃ | pāśāṅkuśadharaṃ dēvaṃ vandē'haṃ gaṇanāyakam || The elephant-faced One, Best among the Gods, who’s adorned with fan-like ears. The Lord who holds a noose and a goad, I salute the Master of Ganas. mūṣikōttamamāruhya dēvāsura mahāhavē | yōddhukāmaṃ mahāvīryaṃ vandē'haṃ gaṇanāyakam || Who having mounted the best mouse, in the great battle between the Gods and the demons, Zealous to fight displayed great valour, I salute the Master of Ganas. yakṣa kinnara gandharva siddha vidyadharai sadā | stūyamānaṃ mahātmānaṃ vandē'haṃ gaṇanāyakam || The Yakshas (nature spirits), Kinnaras (attendants of Kubera), Gandharvas (celestial singers), Sidhas (beings with magical powers) and scholars praise Him, the great One, I salute the Master of Ganas. sarvavighnaharaṃ dēvaṃ sarvavighnavivarjitaṃ | sarva siddhi pradātāraṃ vandē'haṃ gaṇanāyakam || The Lord who destroys all obstacles, who is untouched by all obstacles The conferrer of all success, I salute the Master of Ganas. gaṇāṣṭakaṃ idaṃ puṇyaṃ bhaktyā yaḥ paṭhēnnaraḥ vimuktasarvapāpēbhyo śivalokaṃ sa gacchati || Those who chant with devotion this sacred octet on Ganesha, will be redeemed of all sins and will reach the realm of Lord Shiva.