The second generation of humanoid robotsFigure 02

Figure of the United States humanoid robot startup released the second-generation humanoid robot Figure 02, which shows flexible finger movement, faster walking speed, longer battery life and a large visual language model (VLM) from the video released. In order to have a more flexible body, Figure 02 adopts the fourth-generation hand design, which has 16 degrees of freedom (DOF) design of the hand, so that Figure 02 can gain amazing hand flexibility, which can greatly improve the precision of the operation. The much-anticipated Tesla Optimus Gen2, the second-generation Optimus Prime, has only 11 degrees of freedom in its hands. Other companies mostly have 6-7 degrees of freedom. Figure 02's intelligence is reflected in the fact that it is equipped with a Visual Language Model (VLM), which can realize a more natural voice dialogue with humans. At the hardware level, Figure 02 is equipped with 6 cameras, a more powerful processor that can achieve 3 times the inference speed with the blessing of a large mode