Discovering the Best Hidden Gems: Upcoming Pixel Art Games for 2023 and Beyond

Hello indie gamers, sometimes indie games don't get the attention they need, sometimes they do, but here in this video I'll bring pixel art games, that you probably never heard of. We have games like Tevi, the next game from the developers of Rabi-Ribi, they are making another metroidvania so expect a good game. Punch Club 2: Fast Forward brings us another fighter management game, were we train our guy, up his stats and all around a sim and rpg merged into one. We have Lunarlux on the list a great but really great looking action rpg. So let's kick off with another game that I'm waiting to launch this year with a little bit of luck, Pixelshire, let's check it out: If I've missed a game, or you like the video leave a like and a comment. If you loved the video, subscribe for more content. If you hated the video, leave a thumbs down so I can make better content in the future. Pixelshire Genre: RPG Sandbox Platforms: PC Release Date: TBA 2023 http