English Christian Song | “Conscience and Reason Are Essential for Performing Duty Well“

English Christian Song | “Conscience and Reason Are Essential for Performing Duty Well“ I People who truly believe in God perform their duties willingly, without calculating their own gains and losses. No matter whether you are someone who pursues the truth, you must use your conscience and reason and make a real effort in your duty. If you're merely satisfied with making some token effort, and suffering a little physical hardship, but you do not take your duty seriously at all or seek the truth principles, then this is nothing more than being perfunctory— it is not really making an effort. The key to making an effort is putting your heart into it, fearing God in your heart, being considerate of God's intentions, being terrified of rebelling against God and hurting God, and suffering any hardship in order to perform your duty well and satisfy God: If you have a God-loving heart in this way, you'll be able to perform your duty p